We are a counseling service organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place. We offer individual substance abuse evaluation and treatment for court mandated/probation, voluntary, and nonvoluntary clients. Also, we offer court approved Alcohol and Drug Evaluations for those with DUI and Non-DUI charges.
Say something interesting about your business here. Are you passionate about what we're doing? Are you considering a career path in conducting alcohol and drug evaluations? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers and interns to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
For Donations, you may send a check to our address or via Zelle to 678-794-3852. The funds are used for covering the cost of substance abuse/alcohol and drug evaluations for those in need. Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. Thank you.
Copyright © 2020 Han Consulting - All Rights Reserved. info@hanconsultingllc.com (678)794-3852
2480 Windy Hill Rd, Suite 207, Marietta, GA 30067
We provide both in-person and virtual appointments due to COVID-19